I have a well equipped workshop so building was fairly straight forward. I never expected to be building this website so I don't have a picture of the installed camera.

This was the first time she had a look inside but didn't go in fully on 22nd February She did this many times before carrying out a more detailed survey on the 24th February
On the 27th February she gave it a full inspection and seemed to approve of her potential accommodation
On 6th March she put down a marker with a small piece of bark. It's as if she was saying "OK I like this place and it's now mine"
By 31st March building was pretty much completed but she spent a lot of time making small changes. She would bring in new bits and remove others, move pieces seemingly at random from one place to another. She frequently wriggled down into the pile as if something was about to happen but it never did.
I often wondered why she, or even both of them didn't spend the cold nights in the box but they always disappeared somewhere by late afternoon. Then on 12th April she spent the night in the box so I thought egg laying must be imminent but it wasn't to be. She spent three nights and then missed a night. I was a very worried parent but she showed up around 0700 and has spent the nights there since
Each morning since she began overnighting in the box, the male has arrived at sunrise to give her a wake-up call. In the picture below you can just make out his beak in the hole.